Prosperity with Purpose: Navigating the Spiritual Side of Success


Have you ever stopped to think about why we chase after success? Sure, there’s the obvious reason: we all want to live comfortably, enjoy nice things, and not worry about paying the bills.

But it’s deeper than that, isn’t it?

It’s like every goal we set and every bit of success we chase isn’t just about the material payoff; it’s also a step on a much bigger journey—a journey towards understanding ourselves and growing on a deeper, more spiritual level.

I’m right there with you on this path 👋

From my own experience, I’ve learned that achieving our dreams and goals can do more for us than just improve our bank balance. It’s about how these achievements can help us grow from the inside out.

This journey is more like a winding road than a straight highway. It’s full of ups and downs, but every step forward, every milestone, helps us climb a little higher, not just in our careers or personal lives, but in our inner worlds too.

In my work, I’m all about bridging that gap between wanting success and understanding how it connects with our spiritual selves.

I believe that by aligning our outer ambitions with our inner growth, we’re not just chasing success; we’re embracing a journey that helps us understand who we are and what we’re truly capable of.

So, let’s dive into this together 🧐 We’ll talk about how ambition isn’t just a drive for more, but a doorway to deeper understanding. We’ll explore ways to make sure our chase for success also feeds our soul. And we’ll see how being open to change and growth can not just move us forward but transform us in ways we never expected.


The Dual Journey of Material Success and Spiritual Enlightenment


You know, there’s a common thread I’ve noticed in the stories of many people I’ve worked with (and in my own story, too): the more we chase after what we want in the material world, the more we end up discovering about ourselves.

It’s like every business goal hit or personal achievement unlocked doesn’t just add to our portfolio or resume; it adds to our understanding of who we are and what’s truly important to us.


Material Success 💰

Let’s get real for a second. We all want to do well for ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a successful business, a nice home, or financial security. These goals drive us, motivate us to get up in the morning, and push through challenges. But have you ever achieved something big and felt…well, a bit empty afterwards? Like you hit a milestone and then thought, “Is this it?

That moment, that question there 👆 is where the real journey begins.

Spiritual Enlightenment 🔮

It’s in those moments of questioning that we find the opportunity for spiritual growth. It turns out, success isn’t just about the material gains (though they are nice, don’t get me wrong). It’s about what those gains represent, how they change us, and how they align with our deeper values and purpose.

I’ve found that the true joy in achievement isn’t just in the accolade itself but in what it teaches us along the way. Each success is a lesson in perseverance, faith, and the power of our own spirit. And it’s these lessons that feed our souls, helping us to grow in ways we hadn’t imagined, connecting us more deeply with our inner selves and the universe around us.

The Interconnection ⚡️

It’s fascinating, really, how intertwined our material ambitions and spiritual journeys actually are.

One fuels the other.

Our desire for material success pushes us to grow, to face challenges head-on, and to evolve.

And as we grow spiritually, we find more clarity in our material goals, pursuing them with greater intention and alignment with our true selves.

This path isn’t always easy (just ask any entrepreneur). It’s filled with hurdles, doubts, and moments of self-reflection. But it’s also INCREDIBLY rewarding.

Because when we start to see our material goals as steps on a much larger spiritual journey, every achievement, every setback, becomes a part of something bigger—a grand adventure of self-discovery and enlightenment.

One truly does illuminate the other 💫

Embracing Challenges with Courage and Authenticity


Have you ever faced a challenge so daunting, it made you question everything?

> Maybe it was a business venture that felt like a leap into the unknown,
> Or a personal goal that seemed miles out of reach.

These moments can be terrifying, but they’re also incredibly powerful. They push us to dig deep, to find a strength we didn’t know we had.

And that’s where the magic happens 🪄

The Role of Courage:

It’s not just about being brave enough to face challenges; it’s about being authentic in how we tackle them.

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey. We’re all different, with unique dreams and obstacles.

What’s important is staying true to ourselves as we navigate these waters. It’s about saying, “This is hard, this is scary, but it’s also worth it because it’s mine to conquer.

Transformative Challenges:

Every challenge we face is an opportunity for transformation. They’re not just obstacles; they’re stepping stones to a higher version of ourselves.

Think about it—every time you’ve been pushed to your limit, you’ve learned something new about yourself. Maybe you discovered a resilience you didn’t know you had, or you found a creative solution to a problem that seemed impossible.

These moments of discovery are what make the journey worth it. They bring us closer to our true soul selves, to our core values and beliefs.

And as we align more closely with our authentic selves, we find a sense of purpose and fulfillment that no material success alone can offer.

Some Strategies for Aligning Ambition with Purpose


We’ve talked about the highs and lows, the challenges and victories. Now, how about we get into some practical stuff?

How do we make sure our drive for success is fueling our soul and not just our bank account?

Here are a few strategies that have worked for me and might just resonate with you:

1. Reflect on Your Why:

Journaling: Take some time each week to jot down what’s driving you. Is it a passion for your work? A desire to create something meaningful? Understanding your ‘why’ can help align your goals with your deeper purpose.

2. Set Goals That Speak to Your Soul:

Vision Boarding: A bit of fun, but seriously effective. Create a vision board that represents your material and spiritual goals. Seeing these together can remind you that they’re not mutually exclusive; they’re parts of the same journey.

3. Embrace Learning as You Go:

Read and Research: Keep feeding your curiosity. Read about others who’ve walked this path. Learn from their successes and their missteps. It’s all valuable.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation:

Daily Practice: Start or end your day with a meditation practice. It’s a powerful way to stay connected with your inner self and ensure your ambitions are in line with your spiritual path.

5. Community and Connection:

Join a Group or Workshop: Surround yourself with people on similar journeys. Sharing experiences and learning from others can offer new perspectives and keep you grounded.

6. Celebrate Both Types of Wins:

Acknowledgment Rituals: Make it a point to celebrate both your material achievements and your moments of spiritual insight. Acknowledging both reinforces their interconnectedness.

7. Reevaluate Regularly:

Check-in With Yourself: Every few months, take a step back and look at your path. Are your material pursuits still aligning with your spiritual growth? Adjust as needed.

👉 Remember, this isn’t about choosing between success and spiritual growth. It’s about finding ways to blend the two, making our journey towards prosperity a deeply fulfilling one. These strategies aren’t set in stone; they’re starting points. Feel free to adapt them, mix them up, and find what truly works for you.

The Power of Curiosity and Adaptability in Spiritual Evolution


Albert Einstein once said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

This rings true on so many levels, especially when we’re navigating the intertwined paths of material success and spiritual growth.

Let’s dive into how curiosity and adaptability aren’t just tools for learning; they’re essential for our spiritual evolution.

Curiosity: The Gateway to Growth

Curiosity pushes us to explore, to open doors we didn’t even know were there. It’s the spark that lights the fire of discovery, leading us to new understandings about ourselves and the universe.

When we’re curious, we’re OPEN—open to new ideas, new challenges, and new paths. This openness is crucial as it allows us to see beyond the immediate gratification of material success, guiding us towards deeper, more meaningful achievements.

Adaptability: The Art of Navigating Change

If curiosity opens the door, adaptability helps us walk through it. The journey towards prosperity and enlightenment is rarely a straight line. It’s full of twists, turns, and unexpected detours.

Being adaptable means being able to face these changes without losing sight of our goals or our selves. It’s about adjusting our sails when the wind changes direction, trusting that even if the destination isn’t visible yet, we’re still moving forward.

The Dance of Curiosity and Adaptability

Together, curiosity and adaptability make us resilient. They encourage us to question, to explore, and to grow. They make us flexible in our approach but steadfast in our pursuit of enlightenment and success. This dynamic dance keeps our journey interesting, challenging us to evolve in ways we never anticipated.

Incorporating Curiosity and Adaptability

How do we make these traits a daily part of our journey?

Start small.

Ask questions (even about the things you think you know).

Seek out new experiences related to your goals and beyond.

When faced with change, take a deep breath and look for the opportunity it presents. Remember, every challenge is a chance to learn, grow and evolve (part of the reason we came to earth, remember? 😉)

The Leap of Faith


There was a time when I stood at a major crossroads in my life and career. I had a stable job that paid well but didn’t fulfill me on a deeper level. My heart was calling me to pursue a path that was uncertain and risky—a venture into starting my own business, aligned with my passion for helping others on their spiritual and personal development journeys.

Taking that leap was one of the scariest decisions I’ve ever made.

It meant stepping into the unknown, risking financial security, and facing the possibility of failure. But it also promised something invaluable: the chance to align my career with my soul’s purpose.

The journey wasn’t smooth (still isn’t). There were moments of doubt, financial hurdles, and steep learning curves. Yet, with each challenge, I discovered new strengths within myself. I learned to trust my intuition, embrace my authentic voice, and navigate the entrepreneurial world with integrity.

This journey of material success became a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth, teaching me lessons in resilience, faith, and the true meaning of prosperity.

The Value of Valuing Yourself


Another of the most transformative lessons on my journey came when I was faced with the decision of setting prices for my services. Early on, I wrestled with the fear that charging what I truly believed my services were worth might drive potential clients away.

It felt like standing at the edge of a cliff, with my financial stability and self-worth teetering in the balance.

The turning point came when I realized that undercharging was not only a disservice to myself but to my clients as well. It reflected a lack of confidence in the value I was providing and, inadvertently, invited clients who didn’t fully appreciate or benefit from the depth of the work we were doing together.

Taking the step to charge my worth was a profound act of self-respect. It wasn’t just about the numbers; it was a declaration of the value I bring to the table.

This decision brought about a surprising shift.

Not only did my business begin to attract clients who were truly aligned with my offerings, but it also deepened my commitment to my work and personal growth.

Each session, reading, and interaction became more impactful, as I was fully invested in delivering the best of my abilities, knowing that it was rightly valued.

This experience taught me a *crucial lesson* about the intersection of material success and spiritual growth.

Charging my worth was an essential step in honoring my own journey and expertise.

It reinforced the idea that our external actions, including how we value our work in the material world, are reflections of our inner valuations and growth.

✨ This alignment between external value and inner worth not only propelled my business forward but also accelerated my path toward personal enlightenment, affirming that prosperity and spiritual growth go hand in hand.

Let’s Dive Deeper Together


It’s been quite the ride we’ve shared in this post, hasn’t it? We’ve navigated the twists and turns of blending material achievements with spiritual growth, and I hope it’s sparked some curiosity and excitement about what lies ahead for you on this journey.

Now, if you’re feeling that nudge to dive deeper into discovering your soul’s purpose or if the idea of starting or scaling your soul-aligned business is calling to you, here are two special ways we can take this journey further together:


🔮 Soul Purpose Akashic Records Reading: Ready to uncover the deeper calling of your soul? A Soul Purpose Akashic Records Reading is your first step towards profound discoveries. This personalized reading is designed to connect you with the wisdom of your soul, offering clarity and direction on your life’s path. It’s perfect for those at the beginning of their journey or seeking to deepen their understanding of their spiritual purpose. Book your reading and start the exploration.


⚡️ Join the SoulCodes® Waitlist: For the visionary souls ready to bring their dreams into reality, the SoulCodes® program is your launchpad. If you’re at the cusp of starting or scaling your soul-aligned business, this is where your vision gets wings. By joining the SoulCodes® waitlist, you’re taking a significant step towards aligning your business endeavors with your spiritual essence, ensuring that your work not only fulfills you but also makes a meaningful impact. Sign up for the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open.

Hi, I’m Claire Solomon, a Spiritually-Steeped, Sequin-Lovin’, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner + Intuitive Business Strategist.

I help my clients see the things that they’re naturally attuned to, where their innate talents lie, and what needs to be culled, cleared, and released so they can truly flourish.

I live for intuitive problem-solving, divine deep-diving, and ultimately uncovering the truth about who you really came here to be.

Plus, it’s all already there, written in the stars. You just have to know where to look!

Combining my expertise in intuitive mentoring + insight from the Akashic Records, I now help incredible souls, just like you, create the life they *really* desire. I’ll assist you to re-organise the Self, and re-form the Soul, for a life of abundance, flow and JOY.

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