The Akashic Records: Your Soul’s Very Own Search Engine


Welcome to the spiritual world’s version of Google – the Akashic Records 👩🏻‍💻 🔮

Just like how you can type in a question and find an answer on Google, the Akashic Records provide an infinite library of information about your soul’s journey.

Think of it like a personalised search engine for your spiritual growth.

Now, you might be wondering what in the world are the Akashic Records? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this mystical database and how you can use it to better understand your soul’s purpose.

What are the Akashic Records and what does the word “akashic” mean?


Let’s talk Akashic Records! So, what exactly are they?

Think of the Akashic Records as a cosmic search engine or galactic filing cabinet that contains information about every soul’s journey throughout time.

👉 Like a super -computer holding the history of the Universe.

The word “akashic” comes from the Sanskrit word “Akash” and means space, sky or ether. The Akashic Records are essentially a vibrating field of vast, unlimited information. This invisible field exists all around us and is accessed via the astral plane.

Wild huh?

The Akashic Records can help you uncover your soul’s purpose, your soul gifts, and your soul’s past life experiences. It’s like having a personalised cheat sheet or blueprint for your life.

They contain the energetic imprint of every lifetime you’ve ever had, every decision you’ve made, every life lesson you’ve worked on, every role you’ve played, every action you’ve taken…right up to this very point in time (and even a glimpse at your potential future timelines). ⁠

I like to think of them as your soul’s map. Each soul has its own path to follow, its own lessons from the past, and its own unique goals for the future and The Akashic Records are an incredibly powerful tool to find your personal purpose and live a much more conscious, aligned and joyful life.⁠

Pretty cool, right? Let’s dive deeper into what the Akashic Records can do for you.

The Purpose of the Akashic Records – Why Bother?


Well, if you’re a human trying to navigate the crazy world we live in, the Akashic Records offer an invaluable tool to help you gain clarity and understanding of your soul’s purpose, past lives, and soul gifts.

It’s like having a spiritual GPS to help you navigate the twists and turns of life and stay on track with your purpose (or figure it out in the first place!)

An Akashic Records reading can provide you with valuable insights and guidance that can help you move forward on your life’s path.

Some of the benefits of an akashic records reading include:

✨ Gaining a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose and journey

✨ Identifying patterns and blockages that are preventing you from moving forward

✨ Discovering hidden talents and abilities that you can use to fulfill your life’s purpose

✨ Getting clarity and direction on important life decisions

✨ Receiving guidance and support from your higher self and spiritual guides

Should You Get an Akashic Records Reading? Is it Worth the Hype?


If you’re seeking spiritual guidance, insight, and answers, an Akashic Records reading may be just what you need.

Whether you’re looking for a past life reading or a soul purpose reading, the Akashic Records can provide valuable insights to help you navigate life’s challenges and fulfill your soul’s purpose.

And let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good Google search to help us figure things out?

Before getting an Akashic Records reading, it’s important to consider if it’s the right choice for you. While an Akashic Records reading can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, it may not be appropriate for everyone. Here are some factors to consider:


  • Do you have a specific question or issue that you want to address?
  • Are you open to exploring spiritual beliefs and concepts?
  • Are you willing to take responsibility for the information that is revealed to you?
  • Do you feel comfortable with the idea of accessing information from past lives?


If you answered yes ✅ to these questions, then an akashic records reading may be right for you.

When choosing an Akashic Records reader, it’s important to do your research and find someone who is experienced, reputable and has positive reviews from previous clients.

It’s also important to approach the reading with an open mind and a willingness to take responsibility for any insights or guidance that come through.

What Does an Akashic Reading Look Like?


Each Akashic Records Practitioner will have a different style of reading, varying ways of delivering the insight to you and may have been trained and attuned to different levels of information they can obtain for you.

Overall though, you can expect to receive guidance and insights from your soul’s journey and how it relates to your life today.

There are different types of akashic readings, but some of the most common ones include soul purpose reading, past life reading, and business reading.

A soul purpose reading focuses on your life’s purpose, and what you planned to do in this lifetime before you were born.

A past life reading can help you understand patterns and experiences that have carried over from past lives, and how they may be affecting your current life.

A business reading can help you discover who you are here to support through your business, and how you can build and run your business as a way to fulfill your life’s purpose.

(Want a sneaky peek INSIDE one of my Akashic Records readings?) 🔮👇

How Do I Prepare for an Akashic Reading?


Depending on the type of reading you are having will depend on how you best prepare and your Practitioner will help guide you through each step.

Preparing for an Akashic Records reading can help you get the most out of your session.
Before your reading, take some time to reflect on what you hope to gain from the experience.

What questions do you have? What areas of your life are you struggling with?

Setting your intentions can help you focus your energy and get the most out of your reading.

If you’re feeling called to explore the transformative power of an Akashic Records reading, take the time to prepare, set your intentions, and be open to the guidance that comes through.

It’s often a lot to integrate (and will most definitely blow your mind!🤯)

What Should I Ask the Akashic Records?


Here are some examples of powerful questions you can ask:

  1. What is my life’s purpose?
  2. What is my soul’s origin?
  3. What are the patterns or blocks that are holding me back?
  4. What can I do to overcome these blocks and move forward?
  5. What are my unique talents and gifts, and how can I use them to fulfill my life’s purpose?
  6. How can I deepen my spiritual practice or connection to the divine?
  7. How can I improve my relationships with others?
  8. What karmic lessons or themes am I working through in this lifetime?

By approaching your reading with curiosity and a desire to learn, you can gain valuable insights that can help you navigate life’s challenges and fulfill your soul’s purpose.

In conclusion, an Akashic Records reading can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Whether you’re a spiritual guru or just curious about your soul’s journey, the Akashic Records offer an infinite library of information to help you navigate life’s challenges and fulfill your purpose.

So grab some popcorn 🍿 (or not) and get ready for the show that is your soul’s journey.

If you’re feeling stuck, uncertain, or curious about your life’s path, consider exploring the transformative power of akashic records reading.

I have been trained (over many lifetimes it turns out! 💃) to access the Akashic Records to find out about my clients soul origins, soul purpose, past lives, trainings in between lives and unique soul gifts and skills ready to be ignited in this lifetime.⁠

And of course I provide this information in a super down-to-earth and practical way because that’s just how I roll 😎⁠

Ready to remember who you are and why you came here?⁠

Book your reading here.

~ Claire

Hi, I’m Claire Solomon, a Spiritually-Steeped, Sequin-Lovin’, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner + Intuitive Business Strategist.

I help my clients see the things that they’re naturally attuned to, where their innate talents lie, and what needs to be culled, cleared, and released so they can truly flourish.

I live for intuitive problem-solving, divine deep-diving, and ultimately uncovering the truth about who you really came here to be.

Plus, it’s all already there, written in the stars. You just have to know where to look!

Combining my expertise in intuitive mentoring + insight from the Akashic Records, I now help incredible souls, just like you, create the life they *really* desire. I’ll assist you to re-organise the Self, and re-form the Soul, for a life of abundance, flow and JOY.

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