How to Create an Abundant Business That Feels Joyful To Work In

(+ journaling prompts to get your heart ticking and biz thriving!)

The collective tells us that in order to have an abundant and thriving business, we need to do all the practical things (like set up effective systems, do courses and show up consistently online), in order to succeed.

And while some of this is true, it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

Unfortunately, many women who follow this uni-dimensional approach to running a business lose interest in and passion for their biz, quick smart.

Their life feels overrun by work, they lack balance, feel pulled in a million different directions, and their key motivators for starting a business in the first place (to do something they love/to share their magic and change lives/to spend more time with their loves/etc.!) become more and more out of reach.

The reason why many businesses don’t feel pleasurable to work in and why many businesses fail is because their owners don’t take a holistic approach to how they run their biz. Yes, they take care of the practical side of things, but very often, other equally important things get pushed to the side.

In order for our business to flourish, we need to ensure that our business and personal life are working together harmoniously.

While some business coaches out there will tell you that focussing solely on your business will gift you the rewards you desire, I disagree (and know from both my personal experience and work with my clients). This is why, in my business coaching, I take my clients on a holistic journey and peer into:

✨ 1. The biz side of things (because the collective message is right – to an extent!)

2. Your personal life (such as what you want your days to look and feel like, your daily routine, who and what lights you up, etc.)

3. Your health and how well you are looking after yourself physically, emotionally and energetically

4. Your soul and whether or not you’re serving in alignment with your soul purpose and harnessing your unique gifts and talents.

Because business isn’t just about systems, processes and structure …

 It’s about alignment and feeling lit up from the inside, out
 It’s about doing something that makes you feel good and is sustainable for years to come
 It’s about being able to have time and space for the most important things in life – like being present with your loves, pursuing your creative interests and enjoying life’s simple pleasures
 It’s about working in a way that helps you feel like your most healthy and happy self
 It’s about honouring your energy, cycles and needs

… all the while making the money you deserve!

To get you thinking about your own business more holistically, I’ve created a set of journaling prompts for you to work through. Pop on a tea, grab your journal, find a pocket of peace and dive in …

 Why did you first start your business? Are your actions aligned with your initial intentions?

 How does it feel to work in your business? What gives you life? What depletes your joy and energy?

 What would your perfect week look and feel like, inside and outside of work time?

 Do you feel like you have enough time in your days/weeks to do what you love, outside of work? What would you do more of if you had more time?

 What is stripping you of time and energy in your business that you don’t enjoy? Could you outsource it, or is there anything you could automate, systemise or streamline to create more space?

 How is your health? Is your business supporting you to be well? Are you sleeping properly? Is your mind given time to rest? Are you eating nourishing food?

 What generates the most money in your business? What chews up your time, but doesn’t add value financially or energetically?

 What is your biggest and more juicy goal for yourself (this may or may not be related to your business)? Are your current actions in alignment with this goal?

What revelations and realisation gifted themselves to you through these questions?

What three things could you do THIS WEEK, to make working in your business feel more freeing, flowing and joyful? They don’t have to be big things! Small steps can create potent shifts!

Here’s some ideas if you’re stuck:

  • Schedule a day off over the next month and enjoy some self care
  • Commit to starting each day with a quiet cup of tea in the sunshine (as opposed to having your screen in your face)
  • Get that automated email series you’ve been meaning to write, written
  • Sign up to that food delivery service so you don’t have to waste time planning meals and going grocery shopping
  • Remove the service that never sells from your website (hello, lightening of the energetic load and welcoming of the new!)
  • Join a co-working group
  • Reach out to someone you admire and respect online and begin building a relationship
  • Get your biz finances sorted
  • Go on a date night
  • Turn your phone on flight mode at 7PM every night
  • Outsource something you don’t enjoy doing and often put off in your business
  • Pretty up your work space so it feels more joyful to work in
  • Create a new vision board
  • Tidy your desk (or computer).

And, if one of your things to do is to get in touch with a Business Mentor who can help you maintain a sense of balance, work in alignment with your soul purpose and still support your business to grow and evolve, then get in touch!

I help writers, speakers, healers, conscious creators and intuitive biz women run businesses that feel delightful to be in AND make them a sustainable living. I help women create more white space in their calendars so they can bring more joy into their lives and amplify their freedom, flow and alignment.

You can find out more about my coaching packages here!

Here’s to you creating the most abundant feel-good business of your dreams,

Claire. X

Hi, I’m Claire Solomon, a Spiritually-Steeped, Sequin-Lovin’, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner + Intuitive Business Strategist.

I help my clients see the things that they’re naturally attuned to, where their innate talents lie, and what needs to be culled, cleared, and released so they can truly flourish.

I live for intuitive problem-solving, divine deep-diving, and ultimately uncovering the truth about who you really came here to be.

Plus, it’s all already there, written in the stars. You just have to know where to look!

Combining my expertise in intuitive mentoring + insight from the Akashic Records, I now help incredible souls, just like you, create the life they *really* desire. I’ll assist you to re-organise the Self, and re-form the Soul, for a life of abundance, flow and JOY.

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