Everyday I have the pleasure of connecting with women who are running the businesses of their dreams – businesses that light them up, bring them joy and give them the space to do the things they love.

On the flip side of this, I unfortunately know many women who start their own businesses, only to have to return to a ‘normal’ job, against their deepest desires, a few short years later.


Because they don’t set their businesses up for long term sustainability.

It’s one thing to start a business, it’s another to ensure that it’s set up in a way that can continue to expand and support you for years (and years and years!) to come.

Because there’s many things that fall under the ‘business sustainability’ umbrella, today I want to walk you through the four key ways you can set your business up for success, so that you can continue to do the work that lights your soul on fire well into the future.

✨ 1. Get your tech sorted and automate as much as possible

If you’re a regular around here, you’ll know that I’m an Automation Maven.

There’s LOTS of ways you can automate your business – by batch writing and scheduling social media posts, creating a nurture sequence for people who sign up to your mailing list, using appointment scheduling systems – just to name a few!

As I’ve learned through my own experiences, the more free time and white space we can create in our calendars by using automation, the more we’re able to:

  • Focus on doing things we love (both inside and outside our business)
  • Build connections, book appointments, show up on social media and make money while we’re sleeping (or off holidaying in the Bahamas/Egypt/Italy – wherever your heart desires!)
  • Nurture existing relationships and continue to build trust with our community
  • Support our clients in a way that is energetically sustainable.


✨ 2. Look after your own personal ‘sustainability’

You ARE your business.

Because of this, it’s important that you keep YOU well. After all, if you’re not well, you don’t have a business. Right?!

I see many women in business running themselves ragged. They try to do everything they think they have to do in order to succeed, and are forever sprinting to the ‘next big goal’, only to become burnt out in the process.

It just doesn’t work. Not in the long term anyway.

The great news is that you CAN create a business that feels meaningful, spacious AND joy-filled WITHOUT having to overwork and sacrifice your wellbeing.

You can do this by having boundaries; investing in your passions outside of your work; celebrating each step of your journey; savouring time with your loves; creating space so you can hear the intuitive messages your body is sharing with you – the list goes on and on.

If your tank is empty and if you’re running your business from a place of pushing and forcing, you won’t be able to serve your community and grow your biz in the way you truly want to.

Care for yourself first, and your business’s success will naturally follow.

✨ 3. Work in a way that compliments your strengths, interests and energy

I don’t believe that there’s a one-size-fits-all when it comes to running a business. In fact, I think that one of the key reasons why many businesses fail is because business owners try to fit themselves into generic boxes and frameworks (it’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole! It just doesn’t work!)

My experience has shown me that the ONLY way to run a business sustainably is to run it in a way that works for YOU.

There’s many ways you can make your business work for you. You can:

  • Have an astrology reading so you can align your business with your soul, identify what your intrinsic strengths are and understand where you need to invest your time and energy (I offer astrology insights as part of my Coaching Services)
  • Create white space in your calendar so you can rest, recharge and switch off (it’s amazing how many creative ideas pour through when we gift our minds a pocket of peace!)
  • Outsource work you don’t love doing so you can use your time and energy to do the things you enjoy and thrive at
  • Have boundaries and value your time outside of work. Checking emails, responding to social media comments and contacting clients outside of hours won’t make you a better Writer/Speaker/Creator/Healer – it will only burn you out. Honour yourself and respect your time and energy.

Remember: if you’re not well and in full health and vitality, there is no business. You deserve and need to switch off!

✨ 4. Tend to your mindset

The quality of your mindset plays a critical role in whether or not your business will be successful and sustainable. Yes, things like marketing, sales and professional development are important BUT if your mindset isn’t deeply steeped in self belief, self worth and abundance, you’re not likely to grow your business to the point you desire.

How does mindset impact your business?

It determines how visible you make yourself online.

It determines how much you charge for your soul gifts.

It determines the boundaries you put in place.

It determines how much money you invest.

It determines how quickly you stand back up when you stumble (because stumbling is a natural part of running a business!)

The list goes on and on.

In order to build a business that is sustainable, your mindset must be compatible. You must believe in yourself, you must value the work you do, you must honour your energy and you must truly believe that the dreams you have for yourself can come true!

As you can see, setting up your business to be sustainable requires you to look at it holistically …

Your processes and systems.
Your health and wellbeing.
Your mindset, beliefs and self worth.

Through my 1:1 coaching, I can help you set your business up for long term sustainable success. Together we will help you gain clarity, connect with your purpose and get your biz AND life in alignment.

You can find out more about my packages here.

Hi, I’m Claire Solomon, a Spiritually-Steeped, Sequin-Lovin’, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner + Intuitive Business Strategist.

I help my clients see the things that they’re naturally attuned to, where their innate talents lie, and what needs to be culled, cleared, and released so they can truly flourish.

I live for intuitive problem-solving, divine deep-diving, and ultimately uncovering the truth about who you really came here to be.

Plus, it’s all already there, written in the stars. You just have to know where to look!

Combining my expertise in intuitive mentoring + insight from the Akashic Records, I now help incredible souls, just like you, create the life they *really* desire. I’ll assist you to re-organise the Self, and re-form the Soul, for a life of abundance, flow and JOY.

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